It is all about expertise, sufficient experience and maximum safety, which is unfortunately not the rule everywhere.
The specialists at FRAIS guarantee your satisfaction and safety thanks to their medical qualifications, extensive experience and certified materials. We can proudly say that our fillers deserve the title"Professional Fillers". Put yourself in the hands of the experts.
It is an intervention in the body that can cause unpleasant problems if not applied professionally. It is also always necessary to take into account adverse reactions, which require a qualified response from professional and experienced personnel. A crash course is simply not enough for that.
We are not newcomers. We have been practicing aesthetic medicine for almost two decades. Thousands of satisfied clients have passed through our hands and litres of filling materials have flowed through.
In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the properties of the different materials as well as specific techniques and principles in their application. We regularly pass on our experience to young doctors at the training courses we organise.
To guarantee maximum safety in the application of fillers, it is particularly important to use quality materials and the work of an experienced professional.
At FRAIS, we only use certified materials that have been proven by years of experience. Their application is essentially provided by qualified specialists. If you are considering fillers, never underestimate safety.