It is a solution for men who have sagging skin on the abdomen and feel this condition as aesthetically unsatisfactory. It is not a surgery primarily indicated for penis enlargement, but with this surgical method we can achieve this effect secondarily. It can only be performed by an experienced urologist. The course of performance:
Surgery is preceded by a consultation with a urologist to assess the appropriateness of the indication and the realistic expectations of the patient from the procedure. Subsequently, the patient undergoes a pre-operative examination.
The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia, during the procedure the surgeon removes excess tissue, sutures the wound and sterilely treats it. After the operation, the patient goes home for care. After 7 days, the patient comes in for a check-up and the doctor removes the stitches
In the immediate postoperative period, we recommend a quiet regime, avoiding lifting heavy objects, strict adherence to hygiene recommendations and sexual abstinence. Healing takes approximately 14 days.
The procedure is inappropriate for patients with bleeding disorders, patients in poor health and patients suffering from erectile dysfunction.
After the procedure, the patient may experience hematoma, infection or swelling of the treated area. In case of complications, the patient visits the attending physician immediately. After the procedure, there is no impairment of reproductive function and erectile dysfunction.
At the FRAIS Institute of Health and Beauty we offer the possibility to pay for plastic surgery procedures in instalments. Contact us for more info.