Firm up your private parts without surgical intervention with painless and quick laser vaginal rejuvenation.
Vaginal rejuvenation using laser is the most modern method of non-invasive rejuvenation. The treatment is safe, quick and easy. Vaginal rejuvenation is recommended for women who have a problem with relaxation of the vaginal walls (so-called vaginal relaxation syndrome). It also provides an optimal solution for clients with mild or moderate urinary incontinence or vaginal dryness (vaginal atrophy). It is also suitable for women with an estrogen-dependent form of cancer (endometrial or breast cancer) or a positive family history of this form of cancer.
Vaginal rejuvenation is a painless procedure that does not require any anesthesia. It may only be associated with a short-term uncomfortable sensation of warmth in the vagina, which disappears immediately after the treatment. The effect of vaginal rejuvenation fully develops within one month after the procedure, with the result appearing after the first treatment. To achieve optimal results, it is advisable to repeat the treatment 2 to 3 times at one-month intervals until the maximum collagen remodelling capacity is reached. The effectiveness of the method is 12-18 months depending on individual assumptions.
Due to its non-invasive nature, vaginal rejuvenation does not require any special preparation prior to the procedure.
However, a previous gynaecological examination is a prerequisite, and a negative cervical oncocytological examination (not older than 12 months) and a negative vaginal and urine culture (not older than 2 weeks) are required for the treatment itself. The procedure cannot be performed during menstruation or pregnancy and is not recommended during lactation. The treatment itself lasts about 20 minutes, depending on the procedure (IncotiLase, IntimaLase, RenovaLase). Immediately after the treatment, the client goes home and returns to her normal daily activities. A 7-day sexual abstinence is recommended after the procedure and excessive physical activity should be avoided for 24 hours after treatment. After the procedure, there is no need for incapacity for work and the patient can return to daily activities.