This is a surgical procedure in which part of the fallopian tube is removed. It is considered a form of contraception for men. It provides a greater form of security against unwanted pregnancy than a condom.
A sterilized man can properly continue his sex life, the only difference is the production of semen-free ejaculate, which has about 1/3 less volume than the ejaculate before sterilization. Neither the erection nor the hormonal functions of the man are affected by sterilisation. Vasectomy is recommended for men who already have children and do not plan to have any more offspring in the future. The procedure can be performed under general or local anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia is used more frequently because it is overall easier to perform and at the same time there is no need to take into account the risks posed by general anaesthesia.
The first step is a consultation (vasectomy is now performed for both medical and personal reasons).
After all the examinations have been carried out, the planned procedure is carried out where the area of the fallopian tube is numbed, then approximately 2 centimetres of the fallopian tube are removed, the wound is severed and then sutured. Sterilization is considered complete only after two spermiograms with zero sperm.
After the procedure, it is recommended to be quiet and wear tight-fitting underwear. Slight swelling is common after the procedure. Sex life can be resumed after 4 days, but until the success of the procedure is confirmed, it is recommended to use protection. Does not require sick leave.
At the FRAIS Institute of Health and Beauty we offer the possibility to pay for plastic surgery procedures in instalments. Contact us for more info.