
What should we know about your body on “the pill”? (2. Časť)

  • 11.08.2021

At the outset, we would like to make it clear that all our articles are written in collaboration with experts in the field. This article was written with the active participation of MUDr. Ingrid Valaska, gynaecologist at the FRAIS Institute of Health and Beauty.

Nevertheless, all the information shared here is provided in a general sense and is intended to educate on the subject. Only a doctor who has the opportunity to examine and assess your health based on your medical history and other factors is the best person to talk to about your specific needs and requirements in any area, so always talk to them before making any decisions about your health.

In the first part, we wrote down the basic knowledge about hormonal contraception in pill form. The current times are quite interesting because people are stopping debating and using facts, they are presenting their opinions as facts, also people are dividing into FOR - free choice and AGAINST - free choice when it comes to abortion. Just for the sake of education: a fact is an actual act, event, deed. An opinion is an insight, an opinion, a belief, an immediate knowledge, simply what we think, but it may not correspond with reality and many times it is not scientifically based. So please consider the source of any information that reaches you, if it relates to your health, please triple consider it.

Now that we have clarified the difference between fact and opinion, we can move on to how your body perceives HAK in pill form.

Your body on pills?

The pill performs the key functions it needs to prevent pregnancy, affecting the metabolism (or processing) of key vitamins, nutrients and minerals that are essential for our body's daily functions. According to
World Health Organization (WHO)
nutrients that can be depleted in your body when taking hormonal contraceptives are: vitamins B2, B6, B12 and 9 (known as folic acid) and vitamin E, and the minerals magnesium, selenium and zinc.

What about it?

There are a few simple ways to help your body if you decide that oral contraceptives are the best option for you.

  1. replenish your nutrients:
    The vitamins, nutrients and minerals listed above can be taken in the form of dietary supplements as well as in the diet itself. Their function is vast and varied, so it is important that we have them in abundance:
    B vitamins, especially B2, B6, B12 and B9, act as building blocks for a healthy body by directly affecting energy levels, brain function, cell metabolism and detoxification
    Vitamin E isknown for its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, supporting immune function and cell regeneration. It is an excellent vitamin for delaying aging
    Magnesium plays a key role in overall body relaxation as well as blood sugar balance, energy production and restorative sleep
    Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that supports liver function and hormonal detoxification and is known primarily for its beneficial effects on thyroid function
    Zinc is a trace mineral that is required for more than 300 enzymatic (chemical) reactions in the body. Some of the reasons we love zinc include its benefits for supporting the immune system, ovulation, and skin health.

  2. watch your gut:
    As with oral medications, HAK in tablet form is absorbed through the digestive tract. Introducing something new into this delicate environment can disrupt the gut flora and make some of us more susceptible to hostile bacteria and yeast. In some cases, this results in "leaky gut", which means that bacteria and toxins can penetrate our intestinal walls and cause bloating, diarrhea or fatigue... A healthy gut is a healthy body and we can contribute to this through diet. Eating fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha or sauerkraut; probiotics like yogurt or kefir; omega-3 fatty acids; fiber-rich foods like vegetables will keep the gut regular, healthy

  3. love your liver:
    It plays an important role in the digestive process. In layman's terms: it takes what you need from everything you eat and helps your body process it. It also plays this function when taking medication. How to help the liver detoxify? Cabbage-flower vegetables are suitable - cauliflower, cabbage, kale, radish, pakchoy and brussels sprouts

  4. elevated CRP:
    HAK can increase inflammation in the body. Studies have shown that people taking oral contraceptives have elevated C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker. Higher levels of inflammation in the body can lead to menstrual pain, PMS, fatigue, poor mood, brain fog, and general aches and pains. Eat more anti-inflammatory foods such as salmon, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, raw nuts, herbs and spices. Make friends with turmeric, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that also supports the gut and liver. Limit or avoid inflammatory foods such as gluten, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and dairy products

  5. balanced blood sugars:
    Our body's natural estrogen supports our metabolism by improving carbohydrate tolerance and insulin sensitivity. The synthetic form of estrogen in HAK may actually have the opposite effect in some women. That said, it's very important to promote nicely balanced blood sugars. Reduce sugar and processed carbohydrates. These types of foods can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, followed by a not long. Include a source of quality protein and healthy fats in every meal. It provides slow-burning energy that keeps blood sugar levels nice and stable. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep also increases insulin resistance and stimulates our hunger hormones. Move the body. Exercise depletes glycogen stores and increases insulin sensitivity, which are great for blood sugar balance.

If you follow the above points, you can prevent the side effects or negative effects of hormonal contraception against your body. Our advice can also help you make a smoother transition when you stop using HAK. Of course, each problem always needs to be addressed individually with your doctor.

You can also make an appointment with our gynaecologist for advice on hormonal contraception:

02 / 52 444 022
0911 108 741
online chat 09:00-16:00

Wishing you a beautiful day
Ivana Bartosova,
Marketing Manager of the FRAIS Health and Beauty Institute